Nadia Shouraboura, Founder & CEO at Hointer

Nadia Shouraboura

Founder & CEO

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Nadia.

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Day 1 – The rise of the digital store

Friday, May 5th, 2017

16:15 Keynote: How to strike the balance between human and tech interactions to avoid the mistake of over investing in digital technologies that do not add value to the customer journey

  • How to identify which digital tools you should invest in to add real value to your customers shopping experience

  • Placing your product centre stage: how to ensure the focus of your in-store experience is the beauty of the product itself

  • Transforming your in-store interaction points: how to make your in-store journey simple and user-friendly to create a smooth shopping experience for customers

  • Eliminating the need to loudly display technology in-store: how to perfect technological integration so that it is virtually invisible to your customer

  • How strike the balance of human and tech interactions to avoid the mistake of over investing in digital technologies that do not add value to the customer journey

  • Achieving the right balance between human and technology interactions: how to enhance your stores through the implementation of seamless technology